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Georg Jensen silver
1,200.- DKK
N. E. From Sterling silver
Modern brooch with amber from 1950-1960
875.- DKK
Gustav Gaudernack sterling silver and enamel
Large eagle brooch
1,900.- DKK
Georg Jensen
Dark square brooch from 1944-1950
1,400.- DKK
Bond Boyd sterling silver
Gilded brooch with purple stones
575.- DKK
Frank and Regine Juhls, Kautokeino Norway
Large silver brooch from 1960-1980
1,200.- DKK
Eiler & Marløe silver
Brooch with bird from 1930-1940
750.- DKK
Georg Jensen sterling silver
Large brooch with grapes
3,500.- DKK
Small Filigree brooch from 1940-1960
350.- DKK
Georg Jensen silver
Large brooch from 1933-1944
5,900.- DKK
Erik Magnussen sterling silver
Enamel brooch with five Nordic swans
700.- DKK
Small Filigree brooch from 1940-1960
375.- DKK
Georg Jensen silver
Splash brooch
2,500.- DKK
Michelsen Silver
Large Daisy brooch
875.- DKK
Georg Jensen silver
Small Daisy pendant in original purple string
1,600.- DKK
Flora Danica brooch - Gilded sterling silver
575.- DKK
Danish Sterling gilded silver
Brooch with white enamel hearts
575.- DKK
Large Flora Danica brooch - Gilded sterling silver
575.- DKK
Georg Jensen sterling silver
Small square brooch
2,200.- DKK
Georg Jensen sterling silver
Small square brooch
1,900.- DKK
Georg Jensen sterling silver
Brooch with a flower
2,800.- DKK
Georg Jensen sterling silver
Round brooch with a fish
2,200.- DKK
Georg Jensen sterling silver
Brooch with two dolphins
1,500.- DKK
Bræmer-Jensen 14 carat gold
Brooch with pearls
2,900.- DKK
Flora Danica brooch - Gilded sterling silver
475.- DKK
Silver Filigree
Loop brooch
475.- DKK
N. E. From Sterling silver
Large and modern brooch with amber from 1950-1960
875.- DKK
Aarre & Krogs Eftf. sterling silver
Brooch with stars from 1949-1960
750.- DKK
Georg Jensen
14-carat Gold Kings Mark Brooch 1870-1945
2,900.- DKK
Danish sterling silver
Brooch with amber from 1945-1970
475.- DKK
Brdr. Bjørklund gilded sterling silver
Leaf brooch with white enamel from 1961-1971
475.- DKK per item
Hingelberg silver
Small square brooch with bird from 1940-1960
875.- DKK
Gottfred Henry Hoppe silver
Brooch with turquoise from 1943-1964
750.- DKK
Hans Christian Siiger silver
Art Nouveau brooch with dark purple stone from 1913-1937
1,500.- DKK
Max Standager silver
Modern Leaf brooch from 1970
475.- DKK
Hertz silver
Brooch from 1893-1900
2,500.- DKK
Georg Jensen sterling silver
Surf brooch by Nanna Ditzel
3,200.- DKK
Gilded sterling silver
Brooch from around 1950-1970
750.- DKK
Danish silver
Art Nouveau brooch with amber from 1900-1910
975.- DKK
Hans Myhre Norway silver
Gilded brooch with pendant from around 1950
975.- DKK
Flora Danica brooch - Gilded sterling silver
375.- DKK
Georg Jensen
Heart brooch
1,700.- DKK
RANTHE silver brooch from around 1950-1960
475.- DKK
Hugo Grün silver
Brooch with horseshoes from 1950-1960
475.- DKK
Filigree brooch with pearl from 1940-1960
475.- DKK
Herman Siersbol
Brooch from around 1960
475.- DKK
Brooch with yellow agate from 1900-1920
750.- DKK
Claus Georg Melcher silver
Brooch from around 1980
675.- DKK
Brooch from Danish commemorative coin from 1960
375.- DKK
Amber brooch
500.- DKK
Amber brooch
675.- DKK
Herman Siersbol
Brooch from around 1960
475.- DKK
Max Standager silver
Large brooch from 1960-1970
475.- DKK
Georg Jensen sterling silver
Brooch with Acorn
1,800.- DKK
Brooch from 1950-1960
475.- DKK
Georg Jensen
Kings Mark brooch with chain 1870-1945
200.- DKK
Peter Christian Jensen silver
Brooch made of four bottoms from 1915-1937
475.- DKK
Georg Jensen sterling silver
Brooch with grapes
2,900.- DKK
Herman Siersbøl Sterling silver
Brooch with blue stones from 1970
675.- DKK
Danish Sterling silver
Leaf brooch with yellow enamel
575.- DKK
Bjorn Wiinblad
Purple porcelain brooch
375.- DKK
Just Andersen 14 carat gold
7,800.- DKK
Gustav Gaudernack sterling silver and enamel
Large eagle brooch
2,500.- DKK
Georg Jensen
Brooch with green stone
3,500.- DKK
Small elephant brooch
300.- DKK
English silver
St. Blaize brooch
275.- DKK
Sterling silver
Ax brooch
250.- DKK
Danish silver
Small square brooch
350.- DKK
Danish silver
Love brooch
475.- DKK
Haglund South Africa
Large sterling silver brooch with African warrior from 1950
1,400.- DKK
Georg Jensen sterling silver
Brooch with lapis lazuli
3,900.- DKK
Danish silver
Large Art Nouveau brooch with large moon stone from 1900
2,000.- DKK
Viggo Pedersen sterling silver
Daisy brooch from 1950-1974
575.- DKK
Brooch made of three 18th century silver bottoms
750.- DKK
Danish silver
Brooch from 1960
475.- DKK
Brooch mounted on wood - Greenland?
675.- DKK
Jorgen Rasmussen silver
Large porcelain brooch with greek decoration
575.- DKK
Lene Heiberg silver
Modern brooch from 1966-1973
875.- DKK
Henry Andersen
Danish Art Nouveau silver brooch with amber 1933-1950.
1,100.- DKK
Cort Hannibal
Danish Art Nouveau silver brooch with amber from 1914-1937
975.- DKK
S. Christian Fogh silver
Danish Art Nouveau silver brooch from 1912-1920
975.- DKK
David Andersen sterling silver
Large brooch with Viking decoration
1,200.- DKK
A. Dragsted
Small brooch with Danish Coat of Arms
475.- DKK
Danish sterling silver
Brooch from 1970-1980
475.- DKK
N. E. From Sterling silver
Brooch with leaves from 1950-1960
Brooch made of three 18th century silver bottoms
875.- DKK
Hans Bøgelund Petersen silver
Narrow brooch from 1950-1970
575.- DKK
Willy Kromar silver
Modern brooch from 1950-1970
475.- DKK
S. H. Mathiesen silver
Square brooch with Amor from around 1930
675.- DKK
Mogens Bjørn Andersen silver
Large brooch
1,600.- DKK
Georg Jensen sterling silver
Long brooch with leaves
2,600.- DKK
Georg Jensen silver
Small brooch from 1915-1927
1,900.- DKK
Georg Jensen sterling silver
1,200.- DKK
Georg Jensen
Kings Mark brooch with chain 1870-1940
200.- DKK per item
Danish silver
Narrow brooch from 1930-1950
300.- DKK
Wormianum Museum guilded silver
Ethnic brooch from 1969-1973
475.- DKK
Square silver brooch with flowers and leaves from 1950-1960
675.- DKK
Bjorn Wiinblad
White and gold porcelain brooch Aquarius
375.- DKK
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Knabrostræde 13,
DK - 1210 København K.
+45 2972 2028