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Royal Copenhagen
Royal Copenhagen
Click on an image to view a large photo, a detailed description and price.
Royal Copenhagen Stoneware figurine
Brown bear cub #247
475.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Stoneware figurine
Brown bear cub #248
475.- DKK
Large Royal Copenhagen figurine
Bear with jar
2,500.- DKK
Large unique Bing & Grondahl figurine
Handy man by Immanuel Tjerne
1,900.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen faience figurine
Very large bear
13,000.- DKK
Large Bing & Grondahl stoneware figurine
Sparrow Hawk
975.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Stoneware figurine
Brown Bear Cub Figurine
475.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen art pottery figurine
Grand Vizier by Johannes Hedegaard
6,500.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen art pottery figurine
Miniature monkey
375.- DKK
Rare Royal Copenhagen art pottery figurine
975.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl Stoneware figurine
675.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl stoneware figurine
275.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen art pottery figurine
1,900.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen relief
1,400.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Stoneware Figurine
Brown Father Bear
1,200.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl figurine
Faun with grapes dated 1922
1,800.- DKK
Large Royal Copenhagen figurine
1,500.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl art pottery figurine
975.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen art pottery figurine
Rare bust by Johannes Hedegaard
6,500.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen stoneware figurine
Small brown bear cub
100.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen stoneware figurine
Small brown bear cub
100.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen stoneware figurine
Small brown bear cub
100.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen stoneware figurine
Small brown bear cub
100.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen art pottery
Large figurine by Johannes Hedegaard
4,900.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl art pottery figurine
Horse and man
2,000.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen
Man figurine
2,800.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen stoneware figurine
275.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl stoneware figurine
475.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen art pottery figurine
Miniature monkey
375.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl stoneware figurine
Lady in national dress
375.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl stoneware
Large figurine - mother and girl
875.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl figurine
Faun with grapes
1,800.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen art pottery figurine
850.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen stoneware figurine
Brown bear walking
750.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Stoneware figurine
Rare Brown Bear Cub Figurine
475.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Stoneware Figurine
Brown Mother Bear
1,100.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen stoneware
Small bear figurine
450.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen Stoneware Figurine
Laying bear
675.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen stoneware figurine
875.- DKK
Large Royal Copenhagen stoneware figurine
Bear fighting snake from 1952
2,300.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen art pottery figurine
Miniature monkey
375.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen stoneware figurine
Small monkey
375.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl art pottery
575.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl art pottery figurine
375.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen brown stoneware figurine
Large rabbit
1,600.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen art pottery figurine
875.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen stoneware
Horse figurine
875.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl art pottery
Hedgehog figurine
1,400.- DKK
Large Royal Copenhagen stoneware figurine
Lynx on socket
3,900.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen stoneware
Larger figurine, thick baby elephant from 1956
2,500.- DKK
Large bison figurine
3,900.- DKK
Large Royal Copenhagen art pottery figurine
Calf on base
2,900.- DKK
Large Royal Copenhagen art pottery figurine
Calf on base
2,500.- DKK
Large Royal Copenhagen stoneware figurine
Deer by artist Knud Kyhn
1,800.- DKK
Large Royal Copenhagen stoneware figurine
Bull from 1949
5,900.- DKK
Bing & Grondahl art pottery figurine
Cat by Gauguin
7,000.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen art pottery figurine
Small dog
375.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen art pottery figurine
Small dog
375.- DKK
Royal Copenhagen stoneware figurine
Boy with bear
675.- DKK
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Antik K
Knabrostræde 13,
DK - 1210 København K.
+45 2972 2028