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Peter Lau
2500 Valby
DK - Denmark
Phone +45 28105958

offer in the category:
Paintings -> Abstract art

Lars Bertle (born 1925), listed Swedish artist.
Oil on canvas mounted on panel.
Abstract composition. Colorful palette. Impasto strokes.
Title: "Naturintryck"
Dimensions: 26.5 cm x 24.0 cm.
Total dimensions: 31.0 cm x 28.5 cm.
Lars Bertil Bertle, born 1925 in Helsingborg, is a Swedish artist. Bertle was self taught as a painter and undertook self-study trips around in Northern Europe. Best known for his painting in oil of still lifes, figurative scenes with people in motion and landscape pictures.

Price: 2,800.- DKK