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Colour print from Magzine Julerosser Peter Ilsted 42.5 x 36.5 cm including the frame: Girl Sewing

Price: 1,800.- DKK per item

Item number: 369183

Description: Peter Ilsted 42.5 x 36.5 cm including the frame: Girl Sewing

Peter Ilsted, (1861-1933)
Peter Ilsted was one of the foremost turn of the twentieth century artists in Denmark. His art expresses the essence of life in Copenhagen at the turn of the century: tranquility and orderliness, contentment with home and family and the isolation from the political and social turmoil in the countries to the South. He was one of a group of Danish artists known for works of sun-filled rooms utilizing subtle colors, simplistic interiors inhabited with one or more figures. Ilsted, however, was the only member of the "Copenhagen Interior School" who focused on printmaking.
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