Letter opener in tin from Ballin / Hertz

Item number: 173635

Description: Letter Opener or letter knife in wood with mounting tin. Produced between 1915-25. Decoration with bird pierced decorated Pewter Decorations from HPH Hans Peter Hertz. HPH took over and continued Mogens Ballin's pewter ware production after his death in 1914. This model does not have a model number, so it is not known with certainty whether this model was produced in the period when Mogens Ballin lived. The tip of the "knife" (made in wood) have minor defect. Pewter top is in perfect condition. Stamped HPH or as some say HB for Hertz/ Ballin. 28½ cm long.
This item can be purchased at:
Reutemann Antik
v/ Jesper Reutemann
Marielystvej 1, Kld.
2000 Frederiksberg
31 17 26 56