4 Plaques or mini plates from Royal Cph. & Aluminia, with motifs from Denmark.

Item number: 593618

Set of 4 plaques or miniplates from Royal Cph. & Aluminia, with motifs from Denmark.
All are in good condition.
Ö 8cm
Skamlingsbanken - Koldinghus Castle
Kaleko Mill at Faaborg - The Girl with the Gold Horn
Item number: pl-4 plaquetter - 2

Price: 40.- DKK per set
Other products in this category
Plaques or mini plates from Aluminia, with The Little Mermaid on Langelinie.

Plaques or mini plates from Aluminia, with The Little Mermaid on Langelinie.

Plaques or mini plates from Royal Cph. & Aluminia, with motifs from Denmark.

Plaques or mini plates from Royal Cph. & Aluminia, with motifs from Denmark.

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