- Worth to visit
Latest items
+45 28 44 77 36
Ceramics and stoneware
Child's cutlery in solid silver
Commemorative spoons and forks
Dala or Dalecarlian horses
Flatware of Danish solid silver
Flatware of solid silver by Georg Jensen
Flatware silver plated and steel
Georg Jensen X-mas Ornaments, Decorations & Design
Holloware in solid silver
Holloware silver plated
Icelandic Christmas Spoons in 925 silver
Michelsen Christmas spoons & forks
Porcelain and faience
Hyacinth glasses
Click on an image to view a large photo, a detailed description and price.
Large Hyacinth glasses in green glass with net pattern 22cm
250.- DKK per item
Large Hyacinth glasses in brown glass with net pattern 22cm
250.- DKK per item
Large Hyacinth glasses in dark green glass with net pattern 22cm
250.- DKK per item
Large Hyacinth glasses in dark blue glass with net pattern 22cm
250.- DKK per item
Hyacinth glasses in blue glass 20cm from Denmark
225.- DKK per item
Hyacinth glasses in dark blue glass 20cm from Denmark
225.- DKK per item
Hyacinth glasses in smoky glass 20cm from Denmark
225.- DKK per item
Chubby Hyacinth glasses in dark blue glass 12.5cm
150.- DKK per item
Chubby Hyacinth glasses in blue glass 14cm
150.- DKK per item
Chubby Hyacinth glasses in clear glass 12.5cm
125.- DKK per item
Chubby Hyacinth glasses in brown glass 12.5cm
150.- DKK per item
Chubby Hyacinth glasses in smoky glass 12.5cm
150.- DKK per item
Chubby Hyacinth glasses in golden glass with net pattern 11cm
150.- DKK per item
Oval Hyacinth glasses in clear glass with net pattern 14.5cm
150.- DKK per item
Oval Hyacinth glasses in smoky glass 14.5cm
150.- DKK per item
Oval Hyacinth glasses in smoky glass 14.5cm
150.- DKK per item
Pair of Hyacinth glasses in dark blue glass 13cm
250.- DKK per pair
Mini hyacinth glasses in light brown glass 10cm from Denmark
75.- DKK per item
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Bregningevej 1,
DK-4871 Horbelev
+45 28 44 77 36
CVR: 251 66 523